How this site works:

Browse the available materials for what you need. Click on catalog from the top navigation menu and choose the type of print material you need. New items will be added periodically, and we will notify you via FlashBulletins and our FaceBook group page.

You will click to download full-resolution graphic files, called PDF files, for the FRONT and BACK of your printed piece. You can also download a LAYOUT EXAMPLE image of what the finished piece will look like. These will require minor editing to personalize them for your business. This must be done a graphic designer or printer or anyone familiar with using the program Adobe Photoshop. After the edits are made, the file must be saved as a PDF file, which will then be ready to upload to your printer.

How do I get them printed?

For printing, you should first seek a local printer IF you have a solid working relationship with one in an existing business networking setting. Shopping local will build your community, and your reputation in it, as you seek referral partners yourself. So check your favorite networking group directory for a local printer, ask your friends in that group for their experiences, and see if they are a good fit. Generally local printers cost a few more cents per printed piece than online sources, but again, those few cents stay in YOUR community and may get you better service.

Next, has proven to be a reliable online printer with high-quality glossy postcards and fast turnaround. They have been tested by multiple members, specifically on EDDM postcards which we use in our Target Neighborhood Development. The postcards in this system are specifically designed for their size requirements.

What kind of edits do I have to make? Can’t I do them myself? What will it cost?

You can see the areas that can be edited on each printed piece by looking at the LAYOUT EXAMPLE. You will see notes in red indicating what can be changed.

The minimum editing required is to add your name, print tracking phone number, website and photo. You MAY choose to change the dollar amount of an offer, the minimum purchase, or a listing of brands you carry, but you do not have to.

These must be done by someone with Adobe Photoshop software experience and who understands sharing files with a printer, but these people are very easy to find today! You have several options:

  • A child or family member who knows Photoshop. May be free or cost you a pizza.
  • Ask the local community college for the graphic design instructor who teaches Photoshop, and ask for their best student.
  • A professional graphic designer in your favorite networking group. Editing your business information will take them less than 30 minutes, which could cost around $75, or with a partner business, maybe just cost a good lunch.
  • The online printer will make basic edits like these with a one-day turnaround for between $8 and $38.

We welcome ideas, comments and suggestions. If you have advertising pieces that were particularly effective in producing leads, or a wish for something we do not have here, please share with